Now, there's a big hoo-haa on music downloads again. It surfaced every now and then to scare people. This is the fault of technology and I don't think it can be solved so easily. My take on this is that, yes, one fine day you may actually stop every single person from downloading free. But how do you prevent people from sharing their music? If I buy a CD, I lend it to my friend, will I be charged of sharing music? If this is my CD, my friend ripped it into her PC, isn't this sharing music as well? So if we do not use peer to peer systems, I send my friend a song thru MSN or Skype, will I be charged? Just wana say you can control the downloads by imposing fine or jail term, will you be able to control who shares music with one another? Will you be able to control the types of free softwares that are going around that can actually enable us to record music even if you encrypt the CD? Will you be able to control us from recording music from FM radios through the free softwares? Don't forget that without these downloading, how can MP3 players be selling like hotcakes? Who in these days still buy a Discman or Walkman? They have all been phased out with the pace of technology today. How many people can afford to buy a CD for $20+ just to listen to 1 or 2 songs, bearing in mind that not every song in the album will suit that individual? Thus, we can see that TECHNOLOGY causes a whole chain of problems yet we are so reliant that we can't do without with, what an irony! *Laughs off*
** Disclaimer: The above are all my personal discretion and perceptions.
Does anyone read my blog? Haha the tagboard was hard to use & I had no time to find a nice blogskin so I decided to use this one temporarily. And then, the tagboard was gone. Hehe. The comments link shouldn't be so hard to use, right? So those who read, please leave down your footsteps haha. I think only my darling reads, so sad... :(
Anyway, just wana let out my grievances today. This is with regards to colleague Y again. I mentioned about her before. As I was supposed to take over one report from her. And this is the first month I am doing it so naturally I have to let her check before I submit to the relevant division. And she started to find so many mistakes when she was supposed to only check that the softcopy matches with the hardcopy as we are the consolidating division and we get these reports from other submitting dept. So the mistakes lie with the submitting departments. I had to call them one by one, explain to them, ask them to correct the errors, get their bosses to sign and then give me the original copy. So ppl have been thinking that this new officer (me
) is so strict, keep pointing out ppl's errors and have to correct and bla bla bla. I have been made the bad guy when my small boss only said we just have to consolidate and send it to the relevant dept. Then I was complaining to the support staff. And they were saying maybe she find me too capable, so she has to try to find mistakes in my work. The thing that I am pissed about is when she was still doing this last month, she DID NOT even check as thorough as this lo. Damn it!!!! The support staff was like saying they were already used to it. So ask me to not be bothered with her la.
Hai so sickening. Muz go pray pray & ask for blessings already. & maybe go 'da xiao ren' as well. Anyway, this week is my birthday week. Apart from my dear & jie jies, anyone else remembers my birthday? I don't think so. But nvtheless I am contented that my dear & jies remember my birthday. If I were even to mind who remembers my birthday, this would cause me to be more miserable. It's my birthday!!! I must be HAPPY!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY~~ Tmr meeting my jies for dinner. Hope it will turn out great!!! Looking forward to tmr....
Remembered in my last entry I actually mention that I shall try the mask I bought tonight?? On my way home, I was craving for a manicure & pedicure cos' it has been 2 weeks since I did anything to my nails. I have left them bare for 2 weeks. But when I reached home, my manicurist was busy leh... can't do anything about it, so went to take out my mask. Now I finally know why the salesgirl says you can feel almost immediate effect and she also mentioned to me that if you have a hangover, you can still look good the next day when you go out after doing this mask.
Applied the mask, layed on the bed, smelling the fragrance of the mask, smells really really good. Started to feel my face tighten in about a min's time. Like the feeling of firming. Tells me that the mask is doing work. WOW!!! In a blink of an eye, 15 mins is up, went to massage my face with the rice bits. Remembered I said the mask has rice bits in it? Yea, it feels like a gentle scrub on my face. This makes it 2 in one - mask & scrub. Love it, love it, love it!!!!!!!
I will recommend hehe... Jiaying, how's yours? Hope you're seeing improvement already. Can use this face mask 3 times a week, but seems a lil' like splurging. Alright, I shall control myself and not use it so many times a week. Keke...Face's feeling so smooth... Love to touch it. Honey, shall I try it on you? I bring for you on fri ok?
Been spending alot since I started to work. Apart from good food like Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao, Crystal Jade Kitchen, Fish & Co, Pasta Mania etc., last month I spent most of my money on manicure & pedicure tools. Now that I have a personal manicurist, I have to buy my own tools. The only thing lacking now is a tub to soak my feet and will be able to produce bubbles if I add in soap to the water. Who knows where I can get one? Haha.. If it's cheap, I really don't mind buying one and use it. Good for relaxation.
This month, again, I spent. My mother and brother commented that I have been spending quite alot this month. And I told them that I am working in an air conditioned area for almost 10 hours recently. If I don't start to take care of my face from now, when should it be? 30 years old? By the time I guess it's too late. Air condition can really suck away your skin's moisture quickly. So I told my brother that I am better than his gf who doesn't apply anything at all and just uses plain water to wash her face. But thinking back when I was her age, i.e. a few yrs back, no matter how my mum nagged me to wash my face, apply this and that, I just wouldnt do it. Or I will jus do it for a few days and forget all about it. Haha. But anyway I am spending my hard earned money, so why should they interfere?
This month's spending is on facial products. Remember Fancl that I mentioned about? That was abt 2 months back. It's finishing soon and I think I gotta replenish it in 2 weeks time. *Spend money again"
I bought the following.....

1) 2 different shades of purple nail polish from Missha.
2) The pink standing box from Bloom (if you can see) is bought from Sasa and it is actually a mascara. It is a new formula from them. Quite costly to me. But it's really good. You know my eyelids are actually puffy so when I apply mascara, it doesn't have much effect i.e. I can't really see my eyelashes elongated. But this one from Bloom is much better considered to the previous one I tried. Hehe.. I must have more confidence in it so I will feel that I look good wearing it.
3) The white tub beside it is actually Rice mask with rice bits in it. According to the salesgirl, after you apply and wash off, you will feel the difference. I don't like masks whereby I don't feel the difference after using it. And since it's cheap and worth it to try, I bought it! Gonna try tmr.. so will provide more updates abt this after I have tried.
4) The white tube next to the tub is actually sun care or also known as sun block. Remember I talk about the numbers of SPF and what it really means? Went into the shop and ask the gal to recommend something for me to prevent more freckles formation and she recommended me this. It's green tea and I must say it smells fantastic!!!!
5) The blue box beside holds a bottle of serum to strengthen eyelashes. According to the salesgirl in Sasa, she says it can help to grow eyelashes as well. Since I always feel that my eyelashes aren't pretty and also because of my puffy eyelids, I decided to try this out. My mum says of course they will tell me that it's good so that i will buy then I told her that you never try, you will never know.
6) The tube lying on the table is actually an essence to whiten freckles. It's different from normal whitening products bcoz this will jus whiten dark spots like pigmentation and freckles. It will not whiten every area you apply. So it just works on the dark spots. After using it for a few months, I shall update on whether it works.
7) The 2 little round containers you see: the grey one is actually a purple eyeshadow. Been always wanting to try purple. So decided to get one. The other bronze one is actually a blusher with a really sweet shade of pink. Excellent!!!!
The next thing I wana buy is a body lotion. Realised that the body needs moisturizing as well or I will turn into an auntie's skin soon. Haha....
Alright, enuff on updating on where my money goes... now to something more exciting: I went for FIR's showcase on 7 Oct (Sat). They really rock. Ah Qing is so cute and Jian Ning Lao Shi is just way too cool and Faye with a powerful vocal!!! Alright, let the photos do the talking. Some of the photos are quite blur... too busy and engross enjoying singing and swaying to them that we din realise that the photos din turn out that good. Haha...

The FIR album awaiting to be signed. and the tickets to the showcase. FIR's showcase is by invitation only. Hehe...

This is what darling and I had before going up to the Top of the 8 at Junction 8 to await FIR's arrival. Luckily we had something to eat and drink before going up, coz the performance was supposed to start at 6pm but it ended up starting at 630 instead.

The yummy crossiant. Influenced by Ashley cos in the afternoon before she went home, she went to buy crossiant from Delifrance. Makes me have a craving... so dragged darling to go and eat with me. Looks so yummy isn't it??

Mushroom soup. It's actually a set meal with the crossiant. This was really salty. I have no idea why. I miss Marche's mushroom soup. It's the best I had so far. Darling can we go????!!!!!

Cafe Latte - my favourite....

The host of the day - I think she's Lingzhi from 933 if I am not wrong...

This showcase actually features our Superband - Mi Lu Bing. Their fans are damn kao pei & I really wonder if they are there to support FIR or Mi Lu Bing. This is dumb.

FIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait for their concert next yr. I wana be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty Faye... Really envy her vocal. Live is as good as on CD. Worthwhile to catch her live in concert.

FIR meets Mi Lu Bing... When the host asked Mi Lu Bing when they think they can become like FIR, Nic actually says soon. Not I want to pour cold water la. But huh.. they will take ages la.... I noe I am going to offend so many of Mi Lu Bing's fans... But I think huh... really la... they cant be like FIR... Coz first of all they must be able to write out and compose they own songs...

Jian Ning Lao Shi... Cool... Cool.... Cool....

Tian Tian Ye Ye - Lovely duet by the 2 of them.....

Just before the autograph session...
Overall, a wonderful weekend. Next week's my birthday week.. hope it will be as fantastic as this week. Till the next.......
Life's been really, extraordinary busy. No time for any of my personal stuff but just work and work. I reach office at 840am and work till about 8 in the last few days. Super tiring and hectic. And I need to find time to do my japanese homwork and compo. Super shag!
Tmr's a dreadful day. Gotta travel to Tampines for a training as I would be taking over this yearly report from next year onwards. Next Tues I also have another training which is dumb cos' it's supposed to be for preparation of a flu pandemic. And next Wed, I have training for a new software that I might come to use in future. It's 10 in the morning till 4pm at Alexander and then I gotta travel back to Raffles to work after 4pm. How shit is that!?
However, it has been great having to meet Jiaying, Xiaoqi and Peipei last week. Tho dinner wasn't as fantastic at Fish & Co. (which I have boycotted some time ago - esp. a certain branch) and the place was noisy with a live band playing, I enjoyed myself with the 3 gals cos' we haven't met up for SO so so Long.
Saturday at Jap class with Ashley-san was fun as well. Had fun disturbing her and irritating her. Haha. Hope we'll enjoy ourselves this Saturday as well. Hehe. I have been looking for a good freckle cream as my freckles are going out of control. Someone recommend? And does anyone know anything about SPF? What does all the numbers represent? What number do I use to prevent freckles 'formation'?
Oh just now I took a cab back from darling's place and this cab driver insisted on going by his way altho I specified the route I would like to take. Gonna complain. Don't mind me cos ah... really this kind of ppl muz complain. SUX!!!
Alrite.. gonna hit the beds and have my beauty sleep in preparation for tmr's long day. And I wana say my face is really soft and smooth. All thanks to Qiqi's recommendation of FANCL. Keke. I really enjoy using it. and I have learnt to love to touch my face haha. I know I am crazy. Byebye...