Wednesday, January 31, 2007
It's been officially 6 months that I have been working. Remember I mention about my appraisal? Ya, didn't know they would actually get back to me exactly on this day to let me know whether I am confirmed. I wasn't thinking of this at all. Anyway, at about 6+pm, almost time to go home, small boss asked me into her room. Ask me to sit down. In my mind, I was thinking: Walauz, what kind of timing?! Ask me come in hear her instruct me to do this and that. Surely talk very long, since she ask me to sit down.
Then she took out a white large envelope. From this large envelope, she took out another white small envelope. Passed it to me. At that moment, I was thinking, oh shit! kana fired liao, give me white letter. Then she said, Congratulations, you've been confirmed as part of our big family. Continue to work hard etc. All the encouraging words. I was grinning from ear to ear. Like after 6 months of hard work, someone actually give you some recognition. So I walked out from her room, holding the letter and grinning.
I was feeling so anxious to open that letter to find out if there are any better benefits for me, especially increment in salary. But I held my curiousity and temptation to open the envelope till I reach Jurong East Interchange. Would have opened it in the train if not for travelling home with 2 colleagues. Opened, saw a gold card (don't think too much), this card was actually like an insurance policy to us. We use this card to see doctors for "free". Then, followed to read the letter. It read:
"Congratulations......... All terms and conditions on your employment contract REMAIN UNCHANGE. Welcome to our big family......"
Upon seeing the REMAIN UNCHANGE, I got so bored. Kept the letter and continued waiting for the bus.
Life seems bleak ahead. With my maid keep on wanting to change employer, this has become very sickening. But my mum can't compromise, there's nothing I can do about it. 10 maids come, 10 maids will run. This era of maids is no longer like that of the 1990s. Hai...
Monday, January 29, 2007
Yes, it's been really long. Been so busy, drowning in work till I was sick. So sick that I did not even go to help out my parents this weekend. And so sick that out of the 24hrs a day, I would say I slept 20 hours. The rest of the time was just having meals, medicine and lazing around. Realised my lazy bones are revived once again.
Used to complain how difficult it is to pass time in office when I have nothing to do after the 10th of each month. Been so sick of going to work simply because time is just so hard to pass by when I have nothing to do at all. I have to think of things that I can do and these things can't be personal. And so, in November I was handed this large task of revamping a major report. In November and December, this revamping-task was going so slowly that I thought everyone had forgotten about this. Never to know that, ta-dah, in January, where we are all rushing for the yearly report, this revamped task needs to be done concurrently. Have been working till about 8pm every night, no OT pay, no allowances, feel that it's such a ripped off. Even my mum was saying, it's not worth it. I even had to bring my work home, first time in 6 months. Haha. Feeling so tired everyday. I had no time for myself at all cos I was either working, if not, sleeping. Weekends also pass by in a jiffy especially when I work for my mum half a day each. The other half of the day, I am either swimming, if not lazing around at home.
What makes me think all these hard work in Jan paid off is my appraisal just last week. Was expecting it to come after I filled in the hardcopy appraisal form and also I am due for confirmation this 31st Jan. So fast! 6 months gone, selling my time to this company I am in. Happy that colleagues are very helpful, colleagues are easy to get along. Sometimes unhappy because I find it really unfair in certain areas, but well, it's a good stepping stone and a learning place. Went for the appraisal interview with small boss... In my mind, while walking into the room, was actually thinking what she would ask and say. Feeling all so confused. Walked in, she started off by saying I am due for confirmation etc. Then showed me the form I filled in. I filled in the left column and she's supposed to fill in the right column with ratings and comments. A rating of 1 - 5, 5 being the best. I did not have a 5 for anything, I guess this is so typical of Singaporeans (watch I Not Stupid 2, and you will know why). Singaporeans will never say Good! Keep it up! But they will say Not Bad. Singaporeans will not say Delicious, but they will say OK la, Not bad. It's really different, when I work in Bloomberg, my Australian boss will always say, Hey Grace, you're on the right track. Keep it up! Excellent! etc. But no, I never hear it here.
Anyway, I have got 4s and 3s. 4s for all the reports under my purview and 3s for all that I am understudying. I am happy with the feedback they have given me. She actually collated all the comments from my other colleagues, fellow officers to be specific, and told me how they felt about me. Everything mentioned was good. They said I should continue to work hard cos' I am on the right track.
Now, I am only waiting for my confirmation letter. And hopefully, another salary package upon confirmation. I don't ask for much, just a slight increment, I would be contented. Of course, you can't compare a local company to a foreign MNC or company. You would get no where, cos' their salary packages are way too good! For the time being, I will be here, to further brush up my skills, brush up my knowledge, and pull up my socks. My career path is still so undetermined yet. Hmm.. but I have my plans. I must make all my dreams come true.
By the way, I am so looking forward to March!!!!!!!! March!!!! Quickly come. And oh ya, I will be baking pineapple tarts again. So happy, I just love to bake my own pineapple tarts. And to bake my own apple crumble. Hmm, yummy yummy! But first of all, I will have to cure my sickness first. Hehe. And Valentines Day is coming! What's up coming, Darling?!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
The first week has just passed by so quickly. Out of the 3 days I am supposed to work, I only worked for 2 days. Hehe took a last min one day leave on Friday. Keke. It has been a superb week so far. Shan't mention why here. I guess people close to me will actually already have known. If you don't already know, probably it still isnt time for you to know yet. Keke. Anyway, made some New Year Resolutions for myself. I don't think I will be mentioning here either, cos some are quite personal to me and if it doesnt happen, tongues will wag again. Eeekss... Hate people talking behind my back. Thus, when you are supposed to know, you will know. Alright, I shall not beat about the bush. Yesterday (Saturday), went to my Auntie's place to learn how to make pineapple tarts. Now, I can make marvellous pineapple tarts, right darling? Hehe. I am going to make some more. I just love them so muchie!!!!!! Hehe, and only when you come to my house, you will get to try them. Hmmm... yummy~Half a day was gone learning and making the tarts. The next thing I am going to learn is to make apple crumble. Imagined it topped with ice cream.... mmmmmmm.... melts in your mouth. Hee. The rest of the half of the day was spent in my mum's stall. Fruitful day.
Today, met hubby for a short while. This is what we have got~ The following photos are taken by hubby (except those that he's in the photo la. Obviously!)
This is my darling and Me~~

Our background.

Pretty pretty...

Ah Darl..
The 2 of us..
I blew out a big ball of fire... RAAAAAaarrrrrrrRRRR!!!

The sunset.

Beautiful sunset.
Really beautiful.
The grand sky~
Dont you agree it's magestic?

I just wana swim in this pool~
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Did not leave my home for a countdown party. Stayed at home and watched Wei Xiao Pasta. I finally finished the show. Super great! I wana watch again~ Hehe. Anyway, I also watched JJ on Channel 5 together with the countdown party team. I think I am more looking forward to Chinese New Year. It's like after the Chinese New Year countdown, you sleep a few hours and then you wake up and go around taking Ang Baos. Hehe. Isn't that great?! But this year, Ang Bao money sure decrease liao, cos wouldn't be going to hubby's side as his Grandma pass away last year and they wouldn't be able to give out any Ang Baos. So sad. :( Anyway, the holidays passed by so quickly. Tmr we gotta all get our ass back to work. A stressful month ahead especially for those in the bank with all the MAS reporting we need to do. A brand new year, brand new targets. Jia you everyone!!
Anyway, another reason why I decided not to go out during New Year's eve is because I have little money left to spare. The Christmas pressies.... And also Mabel's wedding. Mabel's wedding was a success. Hehe, and that day, everyone says I am really pretty. Maybe because I was in a dress and I had my hair really nicely done the night before. So I looked more like I am going for a wedding dinner, compared to the rest of my colleagues.

Me in the office.....

Me, my messy table and my Guess bag. Taken by Joanna because she says I look so pretty that she must help me take a pic. Hehe..

In the toilet... Crazy me. Was afraid someone would walk in while I was taking this pic. Hehe..

My name tag is finally up~ Hehe...
This 2007 is gonna be an exciting one~ I foresee many great changes in my life. Am so looking forward. May all my dreams come through~ Good night everyone. I am going to bed to prepare for tmr lo~
Monday, January 01, 2007
Hello everybody, this is a long overdue post. It is supposed to be up on Boxing day, but apparently, the busy and lazy me just did not update my blog. Boo! Anyway, it's a brand new year and a brand new beginning again~ Just want to wish everyone out there a Happy Happy New Year. May all things go smoothly for you this year and have a happy and blessed year ahead. Most importantly, we must have money to tide thru the year and even more importantly, we must have good health to spend all the money we make in the year. Keke. Alright, same as before, let the pics do the talking...

This is from Qiqi... I just simply love it. You know why?! Because she bought exactly what I have been wanting to buy but did not come across any nice ones. Since she bought me one, I can now stop searching. Yea~ Thank you dear! Love you muackssssss.....

This is from Jiaying.. She too knows what I like. Hehe ever since Noda stop selling this, I did not come across during my shopping and she managed to get me a brand new one and it's in pink somemore. Many many years back, I bought one of these for her too from Noda. Thanks dear... muacksssss
And this is Brownie.. She was given to me by PeiPei. So Kawaii right?! Anyway, it's sitting in my office now. Hehe...
This is another one of the gifts that I really like. This is from Ms Kwek, and since she knew I have been wanting to get this, she got it for me. Ahhhh so sweet of her, right?!
This is a CD holder from Carolyn...
A Little pouch from Carolyn as well.

A photo album from Ms Teo...
I presume this is the most expensive Christmas gift I have got because they are all from Anna Sui, and I know they aren't cheap. But I could be wrong. Thank you, Mabel...

This is from Ms Yew. She bought the exact same cup Ms Kwek bought for me during my Birthday. So now I have 2 of this cup. One I put at home, the other I put in office..
Photo frame from Sharon. I am waiting for Darling to help me print a photo which can fit into this frame then I can put in my office. Hehe.
Aussino hand towel from Jean..
Marks and Spencer's Lavender Powder from Joanna.
A multi purpose Winnie the Pooh box from our support staff. Thanks to the support staff...
This "cup" from Nina. She's really sweet cos I told her on the train the other time when she went to work with me that I always drink cold water because my water bottle in my office cant contain hot water. See! She bought me this. Really thoughtful. Thanks girl! You rock!

This nice packaging from my honey darling! Hehe. Thanks honey. I love the gift as well as the wrapping! Yea~~~

The 2007 organiser from Prints! Keke... Thanks hubby, I know you noticed my expression and eyes when I eyed this so you determined I love this a lot. Thanks hubby!!!!
Finally, got this post up. Heave a big sigh of relief. Having problems with my Netscape so I cant do blogging from there. Then with IE, the alignment is just not right. Yikes... But thank God it's up! Now it's time to hit the PUBLISH button. Hehe...