Sunday, March 25, 2007
I have always been reluctant to go out on weekends' evenings because I reckon everywhere will be "mountain people mountain sea". However, as I wasn't feeling all too happy (no particular reason), just felt that something's lacking in my life, I decided to ask Darling out. Original plan was to go manicure and pedicure with Winnie, however, she couldn't make it so I called Darling out. Went over his place to pick him and his mum up to go to Plaza Sing. Waaa... Alot of PPL indeed! Went to Daiso, din even know that they newly opened one outlet there, so mountain turtle. Anyway, it's a much smaller version compared to IMM's but nevertheless, there are so many people there.
Subsequently, went to World of Sports to utilize my $10 voucher. Both Darling and I bought goggles for our swim! Yea... Take a look at mine! Hot Red!!!

Darling, we have to quickly go for a swim to utilize this! Yea man!!!
My main purpose for going to PS was to go to PureMilk to get T-shirts. They are currently having a sale. All tops at $10, all bottoms at $15. Way cheap compared to their usual price of 20 to 40 odd dollars. Anyway, here's the fruits I have got today:

So Cute!!!!!!! My colleague, Carolyn, got this for herself too. Hehe.

Jiaying dear, this is for you. I just wan to tell you that I wish you are always smiling i.e. always happy. I love you ger, no matter what happens, I am always ready to hear you out! *muacks* my Xin.

I love the color combi for this. So cute! A lil' childish but this will reveal my age. Isn't it better? Bleahz.

The really very kawaii gal!!!

WARNING to all milk lovers!!!
Milk Makes You Drunk. Wahaha!!!

Got this berms for myself too. This picture dun really show the true colors. but the actual color is darker than this shade here. My flash from the camera over exposed this photo hehe.
That's all for my Sunday! I better enjoy while I can. Killer days are coming!~~~ :P
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Friday ( 16th Mar) night was spent wonderfully with Darling. Hehe upon receiving my bonus on 15th Mar, I promised to give him a treat and we went to Shangri La's The Line again. We were so lucky to choose this day cos' it's the 2nd birthday of the restaurant. Thus, we had one complimentary champagne each. Hehe. It's their 2nd birthday and we have been there for the third time. Everything still tastes so good. The most memorable this time round was the BBQed Crayfish. I had lots of them, think my cholestrol level hit sky high man! And I finally tried baked oysters. I never eat such things. Hehe, but darling ask me to try so I did. I thought it tasted quite good, not as bad as I imagined it to be. But darling says it's still not the best yet. Wait till he brings me to eat at I-can't-remember-where. Then I shall update you all again. Dinner was just so splendid. I want to go back there again but it costs $68+++ so must consider before going. We were too busy eating that we did not take a single photograph at all. Nvtheless, we will always remember it deep in our heart, am I right darling? Anyway, the most wasted part of the dinner at Shangri La is their desserts. I still feel that it isn't as good as Orchard hotel's. Hey Shangri La, do consider changing your desserts' chef! I will look forward to going there more man! The cakes could have tasted much better man. Disclaimer: These are my personal opinions. You may beg to differ. Thanks.
Anyway, let me mention more about work. Coming 31 Mar, I would have officially been with *** for 8 months. On 12 Mar, like I have mentioned in my previous post, we were called upon one by one to go into the room and discuss about work, bonus and salary review. Basically what happened that day was, ,both big, K, and small boss, J, were present in the meeting room. Upon arriving, they asked you to read a letter signed by our big boss, not the Chairman definitely. The letter mentions about your salary review and bonus and also thank you for your contribution to the company. Of course, those who were promoted will see that they are being promoted. After finish reading, they will ask you if you are satisfied with what is given. When asked, I answered I don't know because it's the first time I am out working, the first time I got a salary review, the first time I took a bonus after hearing from tons of people how they look forward to receiving their bonus. Yes, true enough, the figure you see on the letter is indeed thrilling cos' I did not expect so much. I have only been there less than 8 months, what can I expect. I was expecting half a month, I will be damn happy. But it's obviously better, that's why I said it was indeed exciting to receive the letter. Even if you don't think it's enough, I think you cant voice out anymore. Haha. I told my dad that K said that she purposely asked for more for me in order to motivate me (I think they all know how NOT motivated I am, always thinking of changing jobs etc.) I said thanks to her. But in my heart, I was actually thinking, maybe she did not even do anything, everyone is entitled to so much?! Haha. See how evil I am! I even doubt her. Unhealthy!!!!! Anyway, it's really based on performance. In my department, if K and J like you, you have a long way to go, if they don't, you seemed to be condemmed in this department. Whatever you do, you are just no appreciated and they pick bones out of eggs (direct translation from Chinese) just to pick on you.
Anyway, upon that, they will ask you if you have anything to say about your work. I really seriously have no idea what came into me that made me say that: I think I don't have enough to do, can I request for one or two more reports to be under my in-charge? (In my opinion, I look upon this extra work as extra learning. I really don't wish to be doing these 3 reports over and over again each month, facing minimal challenge and I don't learn anything out from it as I have already learn the bulk of it.) K immediately replied: Yes, I think you don't have enough to do to. Immediately turns to K and asks her what reports I am in charged of. And I answered K's questions. K exclaimed: HUH?! You mean you don't have any daily reports? I was like Ermm.. No. K asked What have you been doing everyday?! Oh, I clear backlogs, clear other things. Bla bla bla. J immediately refers to a "project" she handled me. That is shit job la, not her so called project. No one wants to do, so obviously as she always say, whatever you all don't want to do, give to the new one to do. She can't say No. So I explained to her why I havent done it la. It's highly confidential, so I shan't continue anymore here. Following which, K was asking J to look into it and see how she can arrange for me to have something else. And subsequently, I left the room.
Friday: Officers were called one-by-one into a meeting room again. It began with Y and M. Then I received a call from J asking me to go into the meeting room too. In my mind, tots were once again running wild, thinking about what they would say etc. So I went in and they said they would like to give me a core. That core once again is Sai Gang! Kaoz, no one likes to do, so I do lo. But then this will be my performance indicator for this end-of-year appraisal. So I told myself I would work really hard cos' if I continue to stay here, I want to be promoted at this time of next year. I feel that I can do it! But Actions speak Louder than Words. So I must prove to everyone I can do it. My aim: To be promoted next yr!
Plus, I have made a very important decision in my life. No! Not marriage. That will take 2 hands to clap. I have decided to pursue higher education. A post-graduate certification program, CFA. This stands for Chartered Financial Analyst. Yes, I have enrolled for it. Altogether will spend $3K plus for Level 1 and there are 3 levels altogether. I believed that as you progress with each level, the education fees will increase. But as this is highly challenging, I shall see whether I can pass my Level 1 first anot. My mentality is I never try I never know, so I have to give it a try. Otherwise I may live to regret it. Who doesn't want a payslip of 5 digits, a bonus of 6 months?! My aim for the next 5 years should I be able to pass Level 1 and proceed to Level 2. Friends and my loved ones, please pray for me. You will stand to gain too if I make it!!!!!!!!! Hee. Gain by having meals on me lo. Haha. LOL! My darling first one to pray hard for me and to encourage me. Bcos I only have limited time to study so it's really a big challenge for me to have 2 lessons a week, 3 hrs each. Followed by another day having 2 hours of Japanese Language class. Followed by working for my parents on weekends. Don't you all think I am killing myself slowly?! But it's really OK, because I found an aim in life. That is to be able to pass Level 1 with flying colors. Otherwise everyday for me is waking up, going to work, dinner and sleep.
Things to look forward to:
1) April 7: Jolin's Concert
2) April 13: Blithe Spirit (Drama-cum-Play)
3) April 19: Hokkaido and prays hard for Tokyo!!!!!!! :)
4) July 13: Jacky Cheung's concert
-=A super high-maintenance-fees me=-:)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Last week has passed by really quickly. Stayed over at darling's place for about 3 out of 5 nights I guessed. Seriously addicted to waking up with darling beside me. Hmm how I wish we were staying together and I can wake up in his arms every morning and be warmed by his hugs and kisses early in the morning. Anyway, last Friday, went to PC show to get memory card for my camera, wanted to get one for my phone as well but decided to save that money since I do not really need it at the moment. And this is Darling and me!!!

Hehe.. This was taken at the Congress Kopitiam. Keke.
Sunday, went to KTV. WOW! So shiok but then hor... now i having runny nose and sore throat la. So don't know if it is really good or bad. On one hand, enjoyed myself. On the other, now I am sort of sick.
Photos of me on that day:

I managed to style my hair man! After so long, I don't know how I did it, but I did it!!!!! HEHE~ :)

The punk me! I just simply love my hair. If only it could be styled so prettily everyday. Hmm...
It has been a really happy day today (12 Mar). Salary review was announced as well as bonus. And I actually had a share of it though I was only here for 8 months. I am happy and contented. I shall continue to work hard~ Gambatte ne!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
I had a splendid Tuesday evening. It would be more wonderful if not for that interview which wasted my 2hrs sitting there, waiting and afterwards talking for about 20mins. Otherwise I could have used the 2 hrs to go for a good swim man!
Anyway, after these 2 hours, it started raining cats and dogs. So sad, spoil my mood totally. Anyway, darling asked where we should go. And he immediately guessed I would want to go to IKEA! Hehe, the long awaited IKEA meal. OMG! it still tasted so good man! It's like reliving JC and Uni days. We ate so much, as usual, the main course and the cakes!!!!!

The very very fresh salad, makes me yearning for some now as well.

The main course: Black Pepper Fish with Rice. Super yummy! The fish tasted so good on its own.

Our side: Chicken Wings which you would not find the taste elsewhere. So homely!

Lastly, my very satisfied darling~
And we had Princess Cake. What happened to the Cheese Cake? Can anyone tell me? I miss it so much. But it's no longer there. We also had the all famous hot dog bread. OMG! What a filling evening! I want more of such days to come.
-=Why can't just everything move smoothly?!=-
Monday, March 05, 2007
This year's Chinese New Year has been a rush for me. But nevertheless, it's really fattening for me as well. With Auntie Teresa's pineapple tarts (OMG!), I am missing them already. Also, the last 3 days... Oh, I just don't wana think about it.
Friday: Dinner at my colleague, Huay Sien's, house.
Menu, Satay Chilli Crab, Sweet and Sour Fish, Mixed Vegetables, Coffee Spare Ribs, Gong Bao Prawns, Pork Leg Bee Hoon.

My new sister: Winnie. & Me! Look at my hair! Why did it grow so fasT? It can't be styled nicely anymore. Compare this photo with the one in my previous entry. Don't you think it grew at an amazing speed? I have no $ to make investments on my hair anymore. Maybe I shouldn't be so "wild" after all. Hmm, but I like my hair, but hard to maintain how???!!!!!

Another one without flash. We are on the train, on the way to Huay Sien's house. I really hope for this friendship to last. It's hard for working adults to find friends thus, I cherish the friends I can find while I am working.
Saturday: Dinner at my uncle's house
Menu: Chilli Fish, Chilli Prawns with Pork, Sambal Kang Kong, Sambal Long Beans, ABC Soup.
Sunday: Dinner at my place
Menu: Sharkfins, Chilli Crab, Steamboat
OMG! See what a sin!? How to reduce weight huh? Can anyone teach me how?!
By the way, one good thing that happened yesterday was that my mum's side relatives finally got to see darling. I have never bring him for any of our gatherings before. Yesterday, my mum introduced him as my friend, her future son-in-law. See the irony there?! Anyway, after dinner, he became all of their topic. Asking him what's his job etc. Asking us how long have we been together, but I refused to tell them how long we have been together. Hehe. Anyway, it was a pleasant experience. Now, to introduce him to my father's side relatives who will be more critical when it comes to comments.
Hmm. When is the right time?