Yes, I haven't been blogging. This is largely because I was terribly sick on Monday and Tuesday. Haven't had MC for 2 days straight ever since don't know when. But I was down with stomach flu. The nausea, the cramps, the diarrhea, the burping, the body aches and the fatigue is enough to keep me in beds 16 hours a day. Anyway, I am recovering well now. Thanks to all who showed their concern.
Alright, a recap of last week:
1) Jolin's concert - April 7, 2007
Haven't watched a concert whereby I sat super near to the stage. I was like in Row 11. This is my first time sitting so near to the stage. Anyway, the concert was super high towards the end. The whole indoor stadium stood up, sang and swayed to Jolin's ballads as well as dance hits. Everyone was really high that Jolin left most of her chorus to the audience to sing and you hear everyone singing really clearly. Marvellous! I truly enjoyed myself throughout the concert. By the way, the row of people sitting in front of Darling and me were people from Yes 933 I think. I saw Lin Peifen is I am not wrong. Was looking out for Cruz, but he din came because he had to attend a wedding dinner (as mentioned on air). So sad. :( Anyway, let the pictures do the talking once again.

Jolin's huge poster just at the premium entrance of the Singapore Indoor Stadium.

Darling and me.According to one of the girls sitting in front of us, we are very En1 Ai4. Do you think so? I wonder what makes the girl think so?!
The following will all be scenes from Jolin's concert:

You see Jolin in blue. Photos were really hard to take because of the stage lights.

Personally like this scene a lot because of the colors combination.

Special Guests: Energy with Ai Shi Kong...

Alright, that's all for Jolin... Truly great experience~~~
2) Despite falling sick, I went for a hair cut. Hehe then realised I had the same hair style as Jiaying but still slight differentiated cos' hers was much shorter than mine. Havent had chance to take a nice pic of my hair. Promise to update again with photos of my hair. Darling says it looks quite cute from the side. Hehe.
3) Despite falling sick, I bought a new toy. MY PSP!!!!!!!!!

Bought the white one cos' I did not quite prefer the pink. Plus, darling said he will bring it for "beautification". Like putting gems or whatever, to beautify it. But all these have to wait till after Japan!!!

This is my PSP with the white Logitech casing. Darling bought the casing for me. So touched!!!
Alright, that's all. It's gonna be an exciting week ahead. Mon - Wed: Work. Thurs - 28/4/07: Japan!!!!!!!!!!! But before that I have to clear my Japanese Language term exam. How sad! Back to the books....
1) I shouldn't always mention about work, but what else to mention apart from work? Today, received an email saying that we will have a department meeting this Wednesday. And agenda ranges from some confidential stuff, which I cannot mention here, to things like office discipline e.g. punctuality, lunch duties etc. Worst of all, at the end of the email, it wrote clearly that "Meeting notes to be taken by Grace." My first thought was: WHY ME!? I was complaining to some Winnie, Carolyn and Huay Sien and darling as well. Why do they always choose me? I guess it's because a) I have been going home at 630pm sharp everyday, despite the increase in workload. b) New things and things that no one wants to do ought to be done by the "new bird", that's me! Oh well, darling asked me to look at this from a different point of view i.e. you learn a new skill of note taking, which isn't an easy task I know. I guess Wednesday is going to be such a sad day. Because they never say anything nice, they will say things to make you feel like you are the world's most useless person. They will point out everything bad about you in front of everybody. Such a dread to go to work on Wednesday. Wish me luck, people. I will post more about the meeting on Wednesday night.
2) I finally understand the sentence J said to me when she allocated new duties to me. She said "let us know if you can't cope with the new tasks." I was thinking to myself that if I were to mention this. The first thing she would say is "So why do you go home at 630pm everyday?" Now I am in a position whereby I can't take one step forward and I can't take one step backward. I guess darling was right in saying that I shouldn't mention to them that I have nothing to do. Now, they give me everything they can for me to do. But then, I still want to tell them that I am efficient and I will finish my work. Everyday, my main aim at work is to not have any backlogs for myself. I work hard during the 9 - 630pm period in office. I am no longer free. But I kind of enjoy this kind of life, because 630pm reaches you so fast. You no longer have the so-far-yet-so-near feeling. Self consolation: I am growing up. Learning to cope with stress and learning to multi-task, learning to manage my time and prioritize my work. I am learning new things everyday. I am growing up!!!!
3) Been losing interest in my Japanese Language. I guess this is because it is getting so difficult that I don't even understand. Secondly, I think the teacher is really boring and I don't enjoy the lesson at all. Hai. I don't want to give up. Can someone find me some motivation to be more eager about my Japanese class?
4) I kind of can't wait for my new course to start. Maybe because I am feeling bored nowadays. I totally understand that I will be sick of my life once my course starts. Why do human beings go into such dilemma?
5) One of my mum's friends whom I am very close with passed away yesterday afternoon. I used to call him papa cos' he always calls me "za bor kia" i.e. daughter. He has been tortured by the cancerous cells that are reproducing themselves so ever quickly. What I want to say is I am glad he has left. He will feel a sense of relieve from the pain. I hope he can rest in peace because in life, he has many regrets as he told my mum. What I want to say is that at the time he left this world, my left eye was twitching really badly. I was at my mum's stall and I was wondering what is going to happen? Why is my left eye twitching so badly? When I got home, my mother returned about an hour later and she told me that "papa" has passed away. On one hand, I really feel sad. But on the other, we should be happy for him, that he has break free from all the pain. Rest in peace, "papa".