Thursday, November 29, 2007
It has always been my dream to spend weekends with Darling, irregardless of what we plan to do. Even if it means slacking at home, listening to music, chilling at a cafe, shopping etc. Just want some stress free times, cos' it's only when I have company do I not think too much or worry too much or start to weigh all the pros and cons again. I had a chance to do so last weekend, but it wasn't exactly stress free, because my exams are just 3 days away from now. But I already know how I would fare. As I have told many, it's not what I want to pursue in my life. I shall make it an experience... Well, forget about this now.
What did we do? Let me try to recall...
Saturday... (24 Nov)Darling had a test in the morning thus he went out early in the morning, while I was still pigging away on his bed. Woke up at about 9am, started watching tv, then went out his mum showed me all the stuff she brought from Hong Kong and Macau as she just came back the night before. Passed me a watch, which I actually asked her to get for me. I just told her to get me any watch because I am still upset that my Esprit Watch has given up on me. I have yet to source for somewhere which could actually repair it. Hai... I am so sad. If anyone of you wants to get me a gift, get me a watch. I am desperately in need of nice watches, need not be branded, just pretty looking will do. The watch she bought me was so-so. I do not love it exceptionally, but really thanked her for the effort in helping me find a watch. She also passed me many tidbits. Hee and of course the famous lao po bing.
Then at about 11, it's time for me to head out to meet my Darling. We met at Tiong Bahru and drove from there to Vivocity. Reason for going Vivocity was actually to get his slippers as well as have lunch at Dian Xiao Er. Yes! Twice in a week. I just wanted to bring him there to share good food with him. Indeed he fell in love with the double boiled chicken soup and the herbal duck. Super yummy! He says he will want to go back again. So happy and glad that I brought him there. After lunch, we walked around to source for his slippers. Went into Addidas, did not manage to catch any to his liking. So headed to Crocs. Our main purpose on that day was to go to Crocs, cos' he saw and tried my brother's slippers from Crocs and he felt that it's pretty comfy. So we went there, looked at all the colours available and finally he chose an army green with orange base slippers. Good choice Darling! They look so pretty. Hee and bought 2 ibbits for my mum. By the way, ibbits are those decorations which you can clip onto your Crocs. She bought 2 for me the other time and didn't bear to buy any for herself cos' they aren't cheap. This time round, we bought her two! Hee.
After getting the slippers, we walked around jewellery shops to source for pretty wedding bands, which will be worn on our fingers till the day we both die. We saw a very nice pair at Tian Po Jewellery and it's going to cost us about $2500. Took the brochure and left. I told him I wanted to get that pair! Hee... He's agreeable too. That's good! Then we went to Pacific Coffee Company for coffee as he wanted the maple latte. Upon reaching there, it was so crowded. So we went to Haagen Dazs instead. We rested our tired feet, looking at brochures we gotten from the shops etc, talked a bit, did some photo taking and of course ate their ice cream and had a latte. The latte wasn't fantastic, ice cream was overrated as well. But anyway, we are just glad we had some place to rest our feet.

We had one scoop of Coffee and one scoop of Rum & Raisin.

Our latte...

He took this and said... Baby you look so tired with your small eyes! Haha...

He was testing out the photo taking functions in my W910i. Well, the pictures aren't fantastically clear but with a 2MP, what can you expect? And he says... Baby, you looked like you are in some 80s restaurant eating ice cream. Haha...

More shots taken by him. Loves it when he does this cos' I get his attention. Wahaha. Afterall, we have already been together for almost 9yrs, I am just glad that we did not get tired of each other and best of all, we are proceeding onto our next chapter in life. We talked mostly about our wedding, all the plannings and stuff, as well as a house and maybe a car if I strike big sweep. Lol. And also on babies, like how many, when to start. Can we afford?

I love this pic... looks so artistic...
And I had to take something of him too! Haha... Here's the one and only one pic I took. bleahz!

And I have been complaining we don't take pictures together anymore. Always one person in the pic... Feels so lonely... And he said, after exams, we can go take pictures! YAY!
After our high tea at Haagen Dazs, we proceeded to have my Vivocity membership card done. Vivocity is just so great, you can turn your spendings into Car Park Redemption. I am so happy and have since become a Vivocity fan! I told darling next time if I want to buy something, must help me check whether Vivocity has this store. Cos I want to come to Vivocity to get free parking. Haha... every $50 spent is converted to $1 worth of parking. That's fantastic man! Hee... Since then I love Vivocity and I so look forward to the letter from HDB. God, please bless me with it man!
And off we headed home feeling so tired after a few hours of walking to and fro, looking at things that ranges from clothes, to toys, to computers. Hee. And I told Darling I will get him a Mac if my bonus (which is to be announced in Mar 2008) exceeds a certain amount. Erm, shant disclose the amount here, cos if I buy it, you all will know how much bonus I get and it's supposed to be confidential eh. LOL.
Went home, wanted to take a nap but end up, I keep talking to Darling about everything and anything and he can't sleep haha. Cos I hate it if I talk to him and he falls asleep. He's so nice to not fall asleep haha. Must have been tough on you, my dear!
Sunday (25 Nov)It has been agreed upon last night that I wanted to go to IMM. I had to go there to get some stuff. We woke up in the late morning and cabbed to IMM. Thank God I did not drive because they have started to charge for parking! Firstly, we went for brunch, was famished, had to fill the growling stomachs before we can proceed to complete our shopping list!
We had our brunch at this Hong Kong cafe on level 1 just beside Coffee Club. I din manage to catch the name. Anyway, I tried the one outside Daiso vs. this one beside Coffee Club, I personally prefer the one beside Coffee Club more. It was so yummy! Oh, probably I was too hungry huh. Anyway, had a splendid lunch. I wan2 go back there again!!! We waited a short while before we were shown to our seats and we looked through the menu and placed our order.
After ordering, we waited another short while before we were served our food... Meanwhile, photo taking time!

Checking out the ambience, nothing fantastic!

The man who has spent his weekends all with me... I m so blessed to have him.


Our order... Soon we were served our drinks...


Hers... i.e. mine la! LOL.

/me pouts. Why my food so long haven't come?! I am hungry!!! Grrrr.....

He never fails to make me smile...

He sure never fails...
And our food finally arrived...

His fried udon with seafood, very yummy!

My claypot stewed ee fu noodles with chicken and mushroom. Extremely yummy!

Our fried prawn dumplings... highly recommended.

His chicken feet... He exclaims that Excelsior Hotel still serves the best chicken feet.

Lastly, meatless guo tie. I din know it's going to all be filled with vege until the guo tie arrived and I took a bite. no meat, so disappointing. I still prefer Dover Market's as well as Asian Kitchen's!
Upon filling our stomachs, the happy 2 of us, started to shop! Went to buy my home's office chairs cos' we have lived without chairs beside our study table for almost 4 months. Mummy has been urging me to go get them as she doesn't have the time. Bought 3 chairs, amounted up to $700+. Then went to Best Denki. Darling was supposed to get some stuff for my parents as "house-warming" gifts, although we did not have any house warming till now la. He bought the oven toaster and deep fryer, requested by me and my brothers la. And I bought my parents one of those you used to buy water in hotels. This is so that the water can be boiled in seconds to make her coffee and milk everyday. Spent another $200+.
Subsequently, we went to Coffee Club for our high tea or so to speak. Ordered Mango Tango Freeze and Rambutan Freeze. I feel that the mango tango isn't as great as before anymore. Is it because this isn't the mango season or what?

Very pretty colours. I studied at Coffee Club for about an hour and went to queue to redeem my wrapping papers and gift tags. And then, hurriedly called mum to see if she was on her way back and she could drop by to pick us up. Had a wonderful day out with Darling but I conclude that we cannot do this often, as it is straining our wallets. Haha. Each meal and each high tea always amount up to more than $20. High cost of living in Singapore. I pray hard that I will have a salary increment next year! Hee...
More spendings on Christmas gifts to come... Time to save a bit! So far, I have only bought one on my list of to-buys. OmG! So many more to come... how sia?!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Had my performance appraisal interview yesterday. Our practice is we have to fill in our performance evaluation form and submit to our immdiate boss. In this performance evaluation form, we have to wrie down our 5 main performance objectives which we ll be appraised on. For us, we would write our 5 most important reports in our portfolio. Subsequently, you need to fill in how you felt you did in each of the reports and give yourself a rating, 5 being the best and 1 being the worst. Also, we need to fill in on people management and interaction. This is because we supervise about 4 clerks, we have to write how we manage them, how we develop and coach them etc. Lastly, we would have to fill in competencies and what we would like to develop. Competencies such as time management, supervisory skills, core values such as integrity, trust etc. And last but not least, we have to state how we feel about our overall performance. Submitted this to boss abt 2-3 weeks ago.
Yesterday was the appraisal interview. They would show you what they have written about you and the rating they give you. I have looked through the whole form and were overall satisfied with my results. In fact, when I returned to my seat and checked out how the scores were calculated, I was exhilerated! I have scored almost a full mark of 5! They have rewarded me for one full year of hard work and all the effort I have put into my work. However, I am just curious to find out if they would recommend me for a promotion. Well, the answer will be out in 3 months time i.e. beginning of March. That time, I would be able to tell everyone how I did and if I had been promoted. Right now, I can only do my best, wait for the results to be out and then also decide to make my way to leave this dept and move on to the next to learn new things.
Also in this appraisal interview, they will ask you how you feel about your job, are you happy, is this what you are looking for as a career as well as let you know how they feel about you. They said really nice things like positive working attitude, the quality of work you produce is great, we don't have to worry if we let you do any piece of work blah blah blah. They also commented on areas which I would need improvement and they also mentioned my objectives of next year. I also told them I want to go for training next year as I havent been for any this year and I thought it was quite unfair to me. Anyway, this is abt it!
I can't wait for March to come!!!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
"To leave or not to leave? To stay or not to stay?" - This applies to 2 very troubled persons at the moment.
And when these 2 troubled people meets... They feel so troubled as they could not make up their minds on what to have for dinner. I was late in meeting her as my meeting ended late. Anyway, the both of us reached Vivocity without having an idea of what we are going to have.
My stomach was letting out its frustrations already, showing signs of hunger. Every restaurant which she wants to visit had long queues. In the end, we decided to queue for Dian Xiao Er. I haven't tried their food, whereas she had it twice. Must be good I guess.

The entrance...

This was very near the entrance. They were serving roasted duck from here. Looks and smells really yummy. It must be their signature else they would not be showcasing it near the entrance. Hope to try this with darling one day. Reason why I decided not to order that night was that I only know how to eat the meat, I will waste everything else given to me. Thus, decided that I should try it with hubby. Hehe.

Our dinner. Eh, the peanuts were the pickles. Hee. We had their signature beancurd, not too bad but it wasn't served hot, slightly cold leh. I think if it's hot, it will be fabulous! The bowl of soup is their doubled boiled chicken soup. It was really really yummy! I want to have it again!!!!

This is poached spinach with century egg and salted egg. Very very yummy too!

The ambience in the restaurant. Very china!

And finally, my beloved partner. The very troubled partner who weren't feeling well to. She's smiling so happily because the soup is delicious. But she looks kind of forlorn and tired. Don't worry, my dear. Everything will turn out fine. I will support your decision.
After dinner, we went shopping! This is the first time we actually shopped for clothes together. Haha. She brought me to this really nice boutique with pretty and cheap clothes. I foresee myself going there very often.
My beloved Xin, please call me along again. And when's our next dinner date? Let's go for dinner together again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Date me, please!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
This week's been very fulfilling on my stomach. Haha. Had so much good food and Darling asked me out for Crystal Jade tonight. Although I so much wanted to, I turned it down because we had too much good food this week. We should save some for the next week or even the next month.
During lunch time the other day, I was shopping around for heels. My heels are all worn off. KL trip not planned because I just had so much to plan - my wedding, my future, my career, my reports deadline. I just cant seem to squeeze in a KL trip. Been desperately looking for a nice and comfortable pair of heels. This was what I bought, not exactly comfortable I think, because of the height of the heels as well as the front strap being so skinny. I think it's really pretty though.

So pretty yeah...LOL.
Thursday - We went to utilise our free voucher at M Hotel...

This is my darling, enjoying his food.

I think I look so tired after one whole day of hard work. See my small little eyes.

We had chicken soup and tom yam soup that night.

Golden mushroom - this is what makes the bulk of my dinner hehe.

My favourite main dish - drunken prawns!!!

The man behind my yummy drunken prawns. I need not even use my hands and I have yummy prawns to fill my stomach. Heh...

All these... u only get it at M Hotel.
Friday - Dinner @ Swensens.
We were supposed to eat at home. However, Darling's mum suddenly said she's going out and won't be cooking. So we had to settle our own dinner. Decided to utilise our voucher since it's going to expire next week.
I had my usual healthier choice - Chicken & Mushroom Spaghetti. Darling had Chicken in a Jacket - taste exactly like Spring Chicken bought from your favourite kopitiam. And we had an Ocean crunch salad and darling's all new favourite - Apple Crumble.

My dear cutting up the chicken.

And this is him, looking so stunned! Haha.
She hasn't replied me. I haven't gotten all my answers. How am I supposed to make a decision? I want to get it over and done with so that I don't feel so troubled everyday. This is me, when something happens, it will be on my mind day and night. I just cant seem to get it off my mind. What Darling says is true, you are just thinking in circles and you can never get to a decision. But this is what a Libra does, weigh a lot of pros and cons, thinks a lot of WHAT IFs, isn't it?
I have so much on my mind. I need to settle it one by one.
1) To ensure a successful D&D 2007 as I sit in the committee, I don't wish to be 'scolded' at the end of the event. I do not wish to hear "what a lousy D&D, so boring!"
2) To make a firm decision and not regret on my decision.
3) Xmas gifts for all my dear ones....
4) To plan a successful christmas BBQ. Anyone wants to join me? Abt $20 per pax. All are welcome!
5) To plan a wonderful wedding in 2008, the one and only I will ever have in my life. It must be a memorable one for you and me, my dear.
And many many plans in between. I am so tired... But this is life, you always need an aim and plan towards achieving your aim.
Time to go to bed, good night.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
In the beginning of this year, when I already 6 mths where I am today, I told myself if only my work place was at Tiong Bahru Central Plaza, cos' we had an office there as well. I so much wanted to be able to work in Central Plaza as I would have free parking just opposite the building. I could drive to work everyday, even have a swim after work. It wasn't a problem at all! At that time I really wished I was working in Central Plaza.
Today, I am being offered a place there. "Headhunted" according to my dear. All I need to do is to agree to the transfer. Same bank, except different job scope altogether. A little history on this:
I was being "nominated" by my boss as a representative of our department to sit in the D&D 2007 Committee. I was thrilled to learn about this. I love organising events, I love meeting people. It beats sitting in the office doing mundane paper work. It beats answering phone calls, whereby people just call and rant when things did not go right for them, and asked me why things went that way, when they haven't checked out what was the agreed procedure. I thought spending some time outside that little cosy space of mine would not do any harm, but brought much more colors to my job.
Indeed the people whom I met in this meeting were very fun-loving! It was a truly enjoyable meeting I would say, although we had to rack our brains to make sure we achieve our objectives. It has since become that I look forward to every Wednesday cos' that's when my meeting is, and I wasn't even bothered that it ended late every Wednesday. It did not even mattered that I could not finish my work, I know I will make time out for this meeting.
The chairperson of this D&D Committee, let's call her S. She likes me alot after a few meetings. She has asked me in person, right in front of her staff, if I am interested to work for her. Subsequently, she followed up by an email, she asked me whether I would like to work for her. I replied her saying that I am not even in my current position for 2 yrs, according to HR, no transfers would be allowed. This sort of tide down for abt a week or so.
Then, she emailed me regarding the D&D. She asked me to think of an email blast. Being a perfectionist and artist, I told her I cannot give her on the day itself as we do not have any image editing software in office. I told her I would email her on Saturday evening. I believed I mentioned this in my previous email. Anyway, this was my work, which was broadcasted to about 700 people.

I sent this to her and she loves it a lot. Broadcasted out on Monday. And then on Thurs, I went for a meeting at the hotel with the events company and another few of the committee members. At about 11pm, she sms-ed me to ask me how's the meeting. Out of courtesy, I smsed her back to say that we accompolised a lot in that meeting and I will provide her with the details via email on Friday. And she replied: Thanks sis, I trust you. When are you coming over to work for me?
Ahhhh! I was half asleep beside my darling actually. Upon seeing this msg, I became wide awake. Darling was actually asleep already and I woke him up to show him the msg. I replied: I would love to join you however, HR would not let me there because blah blah blah. Then I tried so hard to get back to sleep.
Next morning on the train, I received her sms. She mentioned that one of her staff is going on an overseas assignment and would like me to join her asap. She said HR matters she would settle, she would talk to my boss about it as well. Asked me not to worry. I replied her that I am very happy to feel so appreciated as this is really rare in the working society. Upon reaching office, I emailed her staff to ask about job scope. It's totally different from what I am doing now and very much like her Personal Assistant but learns a lot on business operation, management and administration.
I became quite troubled the entire day, as I could tell no one but my dear. Thoughts running around in my mind, to go for it or not! I know golden opportunity will hit you once and come back some time later or never ever comes back! I am now in a dilemma. What do I want?
Weighing the pros and cons:
Cons of staying:
1) You'll miss such a good opportunity which came knocking on your door without you going all out to look for it.
2) You'll most probably be doing the same reports for the next few years until you change your job.
Pros of staying:
1) What beats staying on in my comfort zone?
2) Familiarised with everything, the environment, the people. Need not feel any apprehension upon the transfer.
Cons of transfer:
1) What happens if the environment and people are not so great as over here?
2) Am I up to the job? (But I think she knows that I am up to it, that's why she wants me to go over.)
3) Will I have the chance to perform over there?
Pros of transfer:
1) Leave behind my current job scope which I am already feeling a bit sick and tired because all I do is to meet very very tight deadlines!
2) Learn new functions of the bank.
3) Works for a boss who looks highly upon me. (Could be a cons too as if I were to slacken a bit, I will be marked down greatly as she already has high expectations of me)
4) New environment, may be really lovely!
Can you all give me some suggestions and comments?
I am so vexed and in such a dilemma. But darling is for me going over. Mummy says anything. Winnie (my current colleague who has resigned) is for me going over.
Being headhunted is such a happy thing, but what's holding me back? I guess it's my colleagues. Other than that, I don't think there's anything else holding me back.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Exams are just so NEAR!. I have a mock exam next Sat (17 Nov) and the final exam is just another 2 weeks ahead of next Sat. Guess what! I am only beginning to panic today! Haha. That is way damn too late! What have I been doing? I was totally slacking la.
Anyway, this is me today... Trying very hard to understand topic by topic. Got quite tired and bored of the concepts and all the maths, thus, decided to blog.

Hai... So much more to go! Jia You lo!

Trying so hard to smile... But I look very tired la. Haha.
Woke up since 8 in the morning, went to mum's stall to help out a while till about 12pm. Then had lunch, watched a little of TV, did some transferring of MP3s into my player then I started studying. Oopss.. And not forgetting, I painted my nails. Only took less than 30 mins to do that. Satisfied with the results...

It's purple that I painted and it looks quite similar to my bedsheet color. Wahaha~ Anyway, I sticked some stars onto my big toe nail. 3 silver and 1 blue. Cant think of any design, and didn't want to waste too much time doing this, thus, just anyhow stick lo. But still looks pretty!Did not paint my finger nails as I tend to spoil them very quickly. I am not that si wen, you see.
Whilst studying, I smsed darling to ask him if he would like to catch a movie with me. Not today of course. Today, I am selling my time to my textbook and notes. At least this is what I promised myself and thus, with all sorts of determination and motivation, I have to keep what I have promised myself. Actually I also promised to study hard yesterday (Sat) but when I woke up, it was almost 10am. Promised the D&D chairperson that I will come up with a poster by the evening to send to her. Did that (can't publish the poster yet as it is pending her approval and also I can only publish after we have sent out to our staff), then did some of my work, such as writing minutes of our meeting, and some of my reports. I have 2 more pending in my file. Argh... this month, everything is so stressed up because of the public holiday we had. Time is just so short! Guess I would need to work late probably tmr and Tues. I foresee a Blue Blue Monday!
Oh and back to the topic of sms-ing darling to ask if he wants to catch a movie. He says ok! Hehe. But when do I have the time huh? I already foresee working late tmr and Tues, especially when Tues morning I will be going Tampines for training in the earlier half of the day!!!! Eeewww... such a pain to think about it. But this training is essential as I would need to know how to use the system to draw data for my report. Everything just seem to be packed together! I want to catch Lust Caution. Heard on radio that the R21 version is definitely worth catching. Previously did not catch the one whereby they cut here and cut there because the radio also mentioned that it wasn't that worth our money, eh!

Speaking of R21 movies, this is the second one I am gonna catch. Only the 2nd one, considering I am already 2* years old. Hehe. The first R21 movie I caught was Pleasure Factory. This was just 2 weeks back. Caught this movie because I wanted to support my friend, Jeszlene who was acting in this movie.
Not too bad I would say, quite hilarious at certain parts of the show. But there was minimal talking, which makes me want to fall asleep at times. And bear in mind, there wasn't too much of a story line and moral of the story kind of thing.
And, I have many more movies I want to catch. OMG! I wasn't a very movie girl, but recently just happen to have many movies which I want to catch.
Bee Movie:Barry B. Benson (Seinfeld), a bee who has just graduated from college, is disillusioned at his lone career choice: making honey. On a special trip outside the hive, Barry's life is saved by Vanessa (Zellweger), a florist in New York City. As their relationship blossoms, he discovers humans actually eat honey, and subsequently decides to sue us.This movie seems quite cute to me... Hope it will turn out great too!
Anna & Anna:Mankind's perpetual dilemma - if they had made a different decision on that fateful day some years ago, would their life have been any different? To the protagonist of this story, it is no longer a moot point. It is reality. The concept of the doppelganger is but an allegory. In life, you gain some, you lose some; everyone has strengths and shortcomings; we are both blessed and cursed at the same time. What is more important is that we do not complain or shun reality. We have to accept our lot and confront our fate. It is but the only means by which we can face life's hard knocks.This seems quite like a mystery show. I think it will be quite interesting. Hope it won't disappoint me.

Now it is time for me to hit my books again!!!!

Looking out of the window... I feel so much like being locked up in jail. Haha. Anyway, it's all for the better of myself. I believe in upgrading myself constantly. However, it just so happen that what I am studying now isn't what I really like. My plan is to do well and at least pass the exam. Following which, I will find something else to study which will better interest me, hopefully.
Anyway, I feel like continuing my Japanese Language studies from where I left off. However, I am not very keen to go back to the school which I attended if they did not change the teacher. Anyone has any good schools to recommend?
Thursday, November 08, 2007
A little backdated but let's do a short recap:

Lovely eclairs. Got them last Fri for tea break. They are so yummy yet so costly! Even Darling has fallen in love with them. Catch them at Renaldos...
Since 1 Nov 2007, I have to wear my "dog tag" everyday because they have started to put up similar to MRT gantries just before the lift. And you will need to scan your card whenever you enter the plaza or leave the plaza.

My super kawaii "dog tag". So childish - my mum says.
Friday night's dinner was splendid. This is because Darling seldom says he wants to go to Pizza Hut. Is he going to Pizza Hut because of me? Hmm... *Shrugs*

Our favourite DRUMLETS! Just simply love them so much, wonder how they marinated them. Salad was a ripped off because there wasn't a salad bar, so they served the salad unlike other outlets where there is a salad bar and you get to take in all ingredients you love and form a "mountain" worth of lettuce. Haha. Darling, next time we go to other outlets where there is a salad bar ok?

Hawaiian Pizza. This is on the house. Hee. Darling doesn't like Hawaiian. But it tasted good on that night, so he ate quite a fair bit.

Supreme Chicken Pizza - my favourite pizza! Yummy! Indeed a splendid Friday!
Saturday - Lawrence (Chinese) and Lien (Vietnamese) Solemnization Ceremony at Peony Jade Restaurant off Clarke Quay. A little weird ceremony because the Vietnamese requires the tea ceremony like all Chinese. However, Lawrence is a Catholic, thus, I think his parents are not very into such tea ceremonies. Following which, there is a prayer session. Thus, a really mixed ceremony I would say. Anyway, this wedding is not indeed a blessed one as it was more of a shotgun marriage. Lawrence's parents do not really like Lien and probably this is the reason why his parents are not witness of the wedding. But Lawrence got my Darling to be his witness instead. So on the marriage cert, you will see my Darling's signature. And one thing I found out is that according to the Women's Charter, the bride will keep the marriage cert. Haha. Anyway, some photos. Did not take many as we were sharing table with some ppl we did not really know at all, thus, it would be weird to take photo of everything.

The tea ceremony...

The groom and the bride's family members.
Overall, the food there is alright only. Probably because of the 10 seats, only 7 were filled and the portion of the food was way too much for the 7 of us, thus, towards the end, we did not really eat a lot. And the taste of the food was ok only. Some were not delicious at all.

Opps and I forgot the wedding favour. They got us a pair of bookmarks. Lovely!
After the ceremony, went to Funan to get NINTENDO WII!!!!!!!!

After much discussion with my brother and Darling, I finally decided to get the Wii. I seriously did not regret my decision. It brought me so much fun! I bought the set, which comes with Wii Sports and 2 other games (titles to choose from a list), an additional nunchuk, Wii Play which comes with an additional remote. This cost me a total of $742. The game - Cooking Mama - which I wanted was out of stock. Hope they replenished it soon and I will be able to get it!

I chose Transformers, Crash of the Titans for the 2 titles to be chosen from a list. Subsequently, headed home to try out the set for the entire evening. Tiring.......................
Last Mon, I also got myself a pair of Crocs. Their shoes are really so comfortable. Just a pity, we can't wear this to office man!

Pretty?! Hee...
Anyway, look at the impact of Wii on my family members.

This is bro and gf playing boxing.

The bowling alley... Look so real eh...

The tennis game all ready to start!

In the process of the tennis game...

See.... Break point.

In this game, you are supposed to ride the cow and steer your cow to knock down all scarecrows! The more you knock down, the higher point you get.

I think my brother really tot he's riding on the cow. Com' on Bro!
Overall, a really Happy Deepavali! So much fun at home!!!! Just kept laughing non stop. Haha.
But the reality is my exams are coming and I am still not at all panic. OMG! God save me please. Make me study!!!!!!!