Friday, March 27, 2009
Hubby loves the dinner on Sunday!!! I cooked his favourite sweet & sour pork. He ate so much!!! It has been 1 year plus since I cooked this dish again. He said I still maintain my standard. The shocking thing was my brother came and asked me how I cooked the sauce, did I buy it from outside? He said it was very delicious! This Sunday I told hubby I will cook this for him again. Make him sick of it! Haha.

My favourite French Beans with prawns.

Fried fish with Ginger is like a must-have on my dining table.

The delicious sweet & sour pork~

Steaming hot lotus soup.

Our simple and sumptuous dinner!!! Yummy yum yum!!
Had our first Sukiyaki from Beppu @ Tiong Bahru. Find it quite nice and it's healthy too. Soup based with healthy ingredients. Made a casual remark that we should try cooking this ourselves. Hubby bought a bottle of Sukiyaki concentrate from NTUC and we tried cooking it last night (18 Mar 09).
Overall it turned out not bad. I am certain there is still room for improvement :) I have half a bottle left and will try it out next time. Starting to fall in love with it, and I reckon we will be cooking this quite often. (Erm... depends whether MIL in or not also)

In the process...

2 of us finished this big pot of sukiyaki. Slurps! Yummy!
Ingredients in the Sukiyaki include:
a) Bai Chye
b) Xiao Bai Chye
c) 1 Egg
d) Golden Mushroom
e) Straw Mushroom
f) Tofu
g) Tang Hoon
h) Chicken Drumstick Meat
On top of this, we had steamed egg.

Yummy, yum yum! I am hungry looking at these.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Just the 2 of us on 17 Mar 2009... *sweet* Loves such days!

All ready to start...

My favourite prawns!

New found favourite - CP Wantan!

My meal is never complete without chilli padi!!!

All hungry but still playing with our new Powershot, trying out Colour Accent. Now, we can achieve such effects faster - cut the Photoshop route!

Catch the yellow & greens in the picture! Opps! And hubby says his fat arms! =P

The margarine on the hot plate! All ready to start!!!
After dinner...Snapshots of the birth of our PowerShot SX1 IS!!!

Camera in the soft case. Very handy and light! That's great!
A noob here trying out the Colour Accent further...

My little dustbin on my table with a 'Xi' sticker!

Jagabee calendar on top of my slimline PC! This mode was to capture the specific green only.

For this, I am capturing green and all the tones near green i.e. yellow...
Our room... drawers are alternate yellow and blue, thus you see the drawers are alternate yellow and gray here.
Fun!!!Hopefully, we have more time to go out and take pictures together and we can share more here!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Upon confirmation of our honeymoon, hubby & I decided to get our new toy. We have been eyeing since a few weeks back and looking for good deals in IT Fair, however, the deal at the IT Fair was to our disappointment.
Finally, we got it yesterday (17 Mar 09) at Best Denki, Bishan. They have the best deal versus those whom we checked with.
Our New Toy - Canon Powershot SX1 IS
Our Deal for S$999 - Camera, 2 8GB SDHC (High Speed) Cards, Canon Deluxe Soft Case, Canon Tripod, A set of 4 AA rechargable batteries and charger kit.
In the box with the camera - Powershot SX1 IS body, 4 AA batteries, Neck Strap, Wireless Controller, Digital Camera Solution CD-ROM, USB Interface Cable, Stereo Video Cable, Lens Hood, Lens Cap.

Took some time to figure out some stuff last night and resulted in sleeping late. *Yawns*
Many functions available but we need to get the hang of it and know when to utilise which function.
Hope to be able to get the hang of it before we depart for our honeymoon. And we will return with beautiful pictures!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Did our grocery shopping yesterday (16 Mar 09). PIL went to Taiwan for holidays thus, it's OUR WORLD! Woohoo! Love such days when they aren't around!
Met hubby for dinner at Soup Restaurant @ AMK Hub cos' we both had the craving for their Samsui Chicken and the ginger! (Pardon the photos' quality as they are taken by my 2MP camera phone)

My favourite from Soup Restaurant. It's the only restaurant whereby I don't return the pickles. :P

Samsui chicken with a big bowl of ginger *drools*

Lettuce... you are supposed to wrap the chicken with ginger in the lettuce and it taste superb!

Claypot Tofu - very unique sweet taste unlike what we usually have at our Tze Char stalls.

Sambal Kangkong.

Corn soup~ YummY!!!
After our sumptuous and filling dinner, we headed to NTUC to do our groceries. Usually we would go to NTUC once a week to get breakfast. This time round, we got ingredients for cooking. What's waiting us is the STEAMBOAT tonight. We're gonna have our steamboat. YippiE! Just the 2 of US! Woohoo! *excited*
Some random photos of us (I think taken during our MRT ride):

Act Cute~

And before I end of this post... check out our new bedsheet! Totally love it!!! Even hubby loves it too!!!

Royal Purple. King size - quilt cover, fitted sheet, 2 bolster covers, 2 pillow covers ORIGINAL PRICE = $599. I would never buy! Guess how much we got it at? About $200. Cheap right?! Such a good deal. 50% + 30% OFF + 7% GST rebate in voucher.

I was on MC on this day as my back hurts so much that I could not get out of bed. Hubby took urgent leave to take care of me. Went to the doc., took some painkillers & muscle relaxants & used some Salon Pas. Rested well on the bed and really felt better towards the afternoon.
It's the IT Fair!!! Hubby insisted we go so that we need not go again on Sat (which could be very crowded). We were supposed to go and check out our Camera deal. Took a bus and slowly made our way there. Boy! It was packed! On a THURSDAY! Don't Singaporeans need to work?

The site map...

Already very packed from Level 1.

The Sony booth took almost the entire Level 3. Crowded as well.

This is Level 4, and this is what I see in front of me, at about 2+pm.

I told hubby I wanna play wrestling in this ring!!! *Can you smell what the ROCK is cooking!*
Checked out the camera deal, not as good as the Best Denki one we had. Walked around looking at PCs cos' hubby wanted to get me one, as the one I am using simply keeps hanging after every 5 mins. It can get on one's nerves. Followed him like a little girl and took some brochures. Have not decided to get anything thus, went for tea break at Toast Box and talked about the PCs brochures. Then, went to Carrefour to get some hangers and those 5-drawers cabinet.
Hubby has decided to get me a slimline PC. But we had the cabinet and hangers on hand, thus, I had to sit somewhere to wait for him. He left me at Haagen Dazs - only place with available seats. And he went to get the PC.

Got so bored... I took pictures of the English Breakfast tea I had...

Still very bored as he returned 1.5hrs later, kept apologising as he did not know it would take so looonnngggg...
Cabbed home with our barang! Our barang almost couldn't fit into the cab. Haha.
Our buy at the IT Fair!

HP Slimline PC. It comes with a wireless keyboard and mouse. We did not want the monitor as we had an existing one that is still functioning perfectly. 320GB Harddisk, 4GB RAM - hubby says good enough for me who just use the PC to surf and do work. I am a happy baby! =P Thanks hubby!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Apart from my previous post on a traumatising Saturday (7 Mar), here are some photos.
Taken by hubby's SE C902. I wonder if he sets anything as the colours of the photos did not turn out so beautiful. He could have set something and forgot to remove the settings.

While waiting for our pizza to be served.

I don't know why he did this. I think he still imagines he is wearing a mask. He told me he's a terr0rist! Haha...
The 2 hungry pigs started feasting the moment the garlic bread & pizza arrived. We only remembered to take photos after everything on the plates were gone. Muahaha!

The sweet & spicy drumlets came freaking late. We thought they had yet to catch the chickens! Haha. In actual fact, the waiter did not key in our order. WTF!!!
After our lunch, went for some shopping. Checked out the Powershot camera that we were eyeing for. We asked all sorts of questions and tried out the camera as though we were buying, but we did not. We are intending to get it during the IT show this weekend.
Went to BHG to check out some good deals for bedsheets & quilt covers. Bought a Shecando set. Original price for King Size = $599, comes with a fitted sheet, quilt cover, 2 pillow cases and 2 bolster cases. They currently are having a 50% + 30% sales and 7% GST rebate in form of voucher. Total paid = $209 (rebate of $13+), thus total damage = $196. Good deal!!! Good buy!!!
Bro picked us up and home we head. Went to help my mum out in her stall in the evening and the day for both of us just ended like this.
Sunday - as usual help my mum out. Went for a Full Body Massage + Ginger Treatment in the later afternoon. And whipped up a dinner for hubby.

Fried onion egg.

Fried fish with ginger.
Chicken herbal soup.
After dinner, we headed home. Caught Chao Ji Xing Guang Da Dao together before going to bed. Weekends are always over in a jiffy... =(