Today is public holiday and I did not help out my mum at her stall. As much as I will feel guilty (as always), I also need some well deserved sleep and rest. Woke up at about 7+am, my usual timing. Felt quite awake but told myself I will want to sleep more. Tried to fall asleep and I did. The next thing I know, hubby woke me up and asked if I am going for lunch with Adam and him. And I asked what time was lunch and what time is it now. He told me lunch was at 12pm and it was already 11+am. I said ok... and we quickly took turns to wash up and off we headed to CK Tangs!
Lunch was Adam's treat (treating us as it was his birthday 2 weeks ago) and we had it at Island Cafe at CK Tangs as he was in love with the Indonesian Fried Rice. Hubby and I had it once there and we love it too...
After lunch, we started walking around. Went to Best Denki as Adam wanted to check out some cameras. We took the chance to take a look at washing machines, dryers and fridges, in preparation for saving for our home to come in about 1.5 years time. Took some photos along the way there.
At Best Denki's fridge section, it was the funniest. Auntie first approached us and asked if we would require any assistance. We politely declined and said we were looking around. With itchy hands, both of us + Adam started opening the fridges, checking out compartments and making comments like 'this is too big' etc. Auntie heard and asked us for the measurements we were looking for. And again I politely said we are just looking around and our house is not ready. Auntie went on to ask when will our love nest be ready. Hubby readily replied '2012'! Auntie immediately walked away. The auntie must be thinking the both of us must be crazy, shopping way ahead. Well, we were just doing some financial calculations as well as feeling bored.
After Best Denki, hubby wanted to go Coffee Club for coffee. However, there was a queue and we decided to walk to Wisma's (hubby had the thought that the one at Wisma was Coffee Club). Only upon ordering and hubby asking for Carrot Cake, then he realised we were at TCC! Haha... I thought he knew all along.
Being slightly adventurous today, I tried Hazelnut Latte.
At TCC, took out my laptop and started working. Yesh! I am a workaholic but what to do, I simply have too much to clear!
After 1 hour plus, we decided to leave and went to Borders followed by Epic Centre before we called it a day. Went to CK Tang to retrieve Kinzoku Dou and went out of the carpark paying a $15 fee. Xim Tia (Heart ache)! Sent Adam home and we went back as well.
Started to watch our HK drama together and went out to my uncle's place for a gathering dinner.
This was such a sweet Friday I had with hubby, spending quality time. This is so rare for the both of us and I certainly cherished every moment. I really look forward to more of such days. And I foresee this day will be Monday, 30 Nov, when both of us are on leave! Yippie!