Sunday, January 03, 2010
An extract of what I have written on 31 Dec 2008 in anticipation of year 2009:
"Moving forward into year 2009:1) Our customary wedding held at Singapore Marriott Hotel, on 15 Jan 09 which is just 15 days away.2) 10 years dating anniversary on 20 Jan 09.3) 1st time giving out red packets on Chinese New Year.4) Our honeymoon - destination yet to be fixed.5) Living together in hubby's current house till our love nest is ready.6) Beginning to pay off our 30 year HDB loan.7) Little Kelvin/Grace? Let nature take its course. HAHA."
2009 Recap
1) 15 January 2009 marks our customary wedding. =)
2) End January 2009 - Chinese New Year - did not give out any Ang Pow as we thought since we could siam for the first year, might as well. Instead, both of us received quite a handful of Ang Pows from our loving uncles & aunts. However, lesson learnt here was we need to manage the time as there were too many places to visit in just two days. Let's see how it goes in 2010!
3) April 2009 is a memorable month where we embarked on our honeymoon to the western part of the United States. Lovely memories which we will keep with us for a lifetime! Shopping, food, entertainment, scenery etc. were thumbs up!
4) June 2009 - On hubby's birthday, we left for Bali, just the 2 of us! Romantic birthday!
5) July 2009 - Penang with hubby & in-laws! Miss the Curry Mee & Chendol over there! This month also marks the month where my boss told a few of us to start bucking up in order for her to have something to write in our appraisals for us. This month also marks the month I became a part-time project team mate and a full-time Sales Mgmt team mate. Seriously, if you ask me, I prefer much being a full-time Sales Mgmt officer, which I really learnt a lot more.
1 week work trip (to get our hands on Macro and Visual Basic) to Bangkok - more shopping admist the work!
6) August 2009 - Hokkaido with my parents! I miss the food and hot springs!!! This Hokkaido trip was followed by a trip to Genting with my parents and in-laws! Within the 3 days in Genting, we took a bus to 1 Utama where I shopped like mad! *loves*
7) September 2009 - End of Year: these months mark the longest hours I have ever worked in my 3 years of working life. I begin work at about 8.40am and end work at 10pm everyday! This is madness! But... with my boss' appreciation, and the knowledge, experience and trust I gain, I feel that it is worth it. However, I know I have neglected hubby as well as my girlies!
8) December 2009 - dad got into an unfortunate or fortunate accident. Unfortunate as it was an accident. Fortunate as his legs did not break in this accident or the consequences would be dire.
What I have not achieved from what I wrote for 2009 was Little Kelvin/Grace. I guess this was very much of our choice as we were travelling a lot as well as work has really taken its toll on me. In view of all these, I have told hubby that my career is now more important to me. Of course, I know that both of us are not getting younger and as such this plan will be moved to 2010.
Year 20101) Little Kelvin/Grace - at this point in time, it is still a nature-take-its-course thingy. Not much plans on this yet due to ...
2) The likelihood of the early arrival of our love nest! Out of 30 stories, 17 were done in year 2009. 13 more to go with interior finishing! I hope that PC will TOP in Dec 2010 or Mar 2011.
3) After dad's accident, I see the importance in insurance. I am getting one for women's illnesses (already achieved as I have signed this a week ago and it will be effective Jan'10) and probably looking at one on accidents sometime soon.
4) Career plan - to take my career to another height be it in terms of climbing up the social ladder or purely just exposure and gaining experience. I see my career moving uphill in the last few months of 2009 as I know what I have gained in these few months were unmeasurable and indescribable!
5) Savings plan - in view of the arrival of our love nest, I need to re-look at our finances and have a better control over it. Shall not review my savings target here but I must say we need a lot of $ for the furniture, electrical appliances etc.
6) Family members to be healthy and happy!! The most important wish for 2010!
Well, that's all I can think of for now. I will add on as the days move on...
Prays hard that I am able to achieve all these in year 2010! Now... the Monday blues are setting in...
Saturday, January 02, 2010
New Year Eve was rather special this time round. The last time round was spent with my girlies, just like Christmas. This time, as our family had a guest of honour (GOH) coming from USA, we had a family gathering instead. My youngest aunt hosted this party at her place with a good spread of food for our steamboat buffet.

Here comes the porridge steamboat - a very special way of having steamboat!

The vegetarian spread for our GOH.

Yes! Don't be amazed we are eating along the corridor. See the lift behind? Uncle & Aunt are very on, still smile when I am taking photo!

Due to seating capacity, the adults had their dinner first, and the kids (us) were in the living room laughing our lungs out watching 'Where Got Ghost'. It isn't exactly funny and hilarious but we were laughing more at the stupidity of the show. Watch it with innocence, so you will laugh!

Second uncle and aunt.

Third uncle and aunt.

大姑 and Uncle Long.

Our GOH, Yvette (left) and her friend, Cindy. Yvette is my dad's cousin.
Back to the living room to catch a glimpse of the kids!

Cousin Ren Jie and GF Fang Ting.

This is my bro with Cousin Zhiping.

Cousin Jason and GF Xuanhui.
The night ended off at close to 12 midnight. GOH was suffering from jet lag and had to go off to catch some beauty sleep. Nevertheless, it was a fun party and great catching up with all the family members. Cheers to a Happy, Healthy & Wealthy New Year and many more of such gatherings to come!
With the arrival of our GOH, Yvette, comes my shopping 'loot'! Woohoo! Got my entire VS' shopping bag from her! A pity my Kiehl's didn't arrive and I wonder why. As such, I will need to check if Kiehl's charged me. And if so, where are the goods?! Hmm...
Anyway, still excited over my VS buys! Majority of the bill was foot by my dearest Xin who gave me a big e-voucher for shopping on VS! *love u, muacks* I don't mind more of such!!! *hint hint*
I bought a tube dress, a new set of pyjamas - both for the upcoming CNY. And 2 crew neck tees cos' they look really comfy from the photos, however, the real thing isn't as comfy as they look. Also bought a bottle of perfume to replace the one I had which will run out quite soon and I am unable to ship in perfume, thus, it is the only chance I could buy! With the perfume came a bottle of lotion which was at USD 5 if you buy it with a perfume. As such, I decided to get a bottle to try!
Am not going to showcase my tube dress and pyjamas here as they are nicely folded up already...

My new bottle of perfume. Too bad they no longer retail the limited edition one, else I want that one!!!

The bottle of Dream Angels Body Lotion!

Free bedroom slippers with pyjamas purchased! This isn't the first pair of slipper I got and I love them! Yes! Red for the upcoming CNY!

Even the bottom of the slippers has the VS printed on it... Oh my!
Anyway, I am very happy with all my purchases!
On the first day of 2010, woke up in the morning, had Sausage McMuffin with Egg for breakfast, lazed around trying to complete the drama series - 富贵门, headed to IMM for some short shopping, back home to blog and continued to watch the drama. The day is really complete for me! Easily contented.
In that short hour in IMM, I bought some chocolate biscuits and 2 pairs of shoes.

Chocolate biscuits from Watsons. Was feeling really hungry while waiting for office's New Year Eve party to begin and my neighbour treated me to this chocolate biscuit. I asked her where she bought it and she readily gave me her entire box. Since I passed by Watsons, I checked out the price and it was $4.30 per box. Quite expensive as there were only 9 pieces in each box. Nevertheless, I bought one box for my own consumption and 1 box to give to her. Had this for tea break yesterday and today. Yummy!
My 2 pairs of shoes from Mondo, from hubby. *loves* Thanks hubby! I love it when I am choosing something and once I am done, you will just walk up and foot the bill!

A pair of heels and...

A pair of flats.
Been eyeing shoes from Mondo ever since I walked past the outlet at Vivocity a few days ago. There was no sale going on and as such, I decided not to buy at Vivocity and I insisted to hubby I wanted to wait and see a few more days. So happy to see sales going on at IMM! Bought the first pair at $19.90 and the 2nd pair at $10! Weet! 2 pairs for $30 i.e. about $15 each. Still a little expensive if I compare to BKK, but who cares!
I know I haven't written a recap of 2009 and my resolutions for 2010. I will do it in my next entry!
Friday, January 01, 2010
Really enjoyed taking leave and soaking myself in the festive mood - the crowd in the shopping malls, the only times when you buy without thinking, most of the items bought were not for yourself but for your dear friends, the many expensive meals I had in shopping malls, retail therapy (whilst shopping for something to give your friends, you take the chance to buy something for yourself too) etc. Reckon I will be taking leave this time next year as well.
Whilst soaking myself in the festive mood, something unfortunately happened in my family. Dad got into an accident. Never will I forget 22 Dec 2009 (Dong1 Zhi4) when I received a call at 630am. Dad was unloading his goods from the car's boot to the stall in the morning as usual. He suddenly felt a sharp pain on his leg and he was pushed forward where his teeth knocked against the back windscreen and his shoulders knocked against the car as well. When he turned back, he noticed a van reversed and squeezed him in between my dad's car and the reversing van. To think that the van still did not stop until a passerby shouted at him. Think my dad's legs could have been broken if he continued to reverse. Anyway, dad has a swollen left leg and not walking too properly. All checks have been done. Doc says the blue black and blood clot will take about 3 months to disperse and disappear. I only pray he will have no problems walking in future as his job nature requires him to stand long hours and walk for long hours. *prays*
Putting the unfortunate incident behind, this year's Christmas was a very fun one, just like every Christmas! Eve was spent being a Santa in office! Prepared a lot of presents (about 50+) to be given away. Well, it's the joy of giving that matters! Really happy to be exchanging gifts and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! We had a small Christmas Eve party in office with buffet and some games.

Christmas tree in office with many presents on it. Each one of us will 'pick' a buddy through drawing lots and we're supposed to get our buddy a gift of min. $10. I bought a keyboard brush for my buddy. I hope she likes it cos' I found it really cute! And you know, keyboard being the dirtiest of all in office, a brush will come in handy to maintain the hygiene level!

Very good dry mee siam! However, the quantity was too little for 50pax in my opinion.

Very pretty grape tarts.
These 2 dishes were the best amongst the rest, so I share the photos here. The rest were normal :)

Photos with colleagues.

This is Jane & me - who keeps exclaiming that my camera has a beautify mode cos' she says she looks prettier in photos taken by my camera. So cute of her! Yeah! The desk you see behind is mine, looks neat isn't it?! And the one to my left is my boss'.
On Christmas day, I started to unwrap all the pressies! Exciting moment - which I will always share with my mum. Whatever I open and she wants it, I will give it to her. But every year, she just takes 1 or 2 maximum out of the tens I have received.

A little notepad from Service Team's colleague, C. So sweet!

Cake towel from the newbie in my team.

A cute pink cup from my team's support staff.

One of my favourite gift this year - Bag hook from ex-colleague, J. Nice!!!

Passport holder from project team mate, A.

Another one of my favourite gift - towel, shower & lotion set from my mystery buddy. Thanks to whoever you are! I love it!

Coasters from Service Team's colleague, M. In sweet pink! *loves*

Merci chocolates which arrived via internal mail from one of the Sales Team Leader, PJ - the one who always calls me auntie when I am one year younger than her.

Very kawaii pouch which also arrived via internal mail from another Sales Team Leader and one of the senior sales staff, V & E.

Wrist cushion from Service Team's support staff, I.

Lilo & Stitch mug from MO team colleague, B.

Nice pair of earrings from ex-colleague, W.

Another pair of earrings from my team mate, A.

Very pretty storage container from Service Team colleague, J. *likes*

Another cup from Service Team sub-team leader, P.

If I am not mistaken, this is from ex-colleague, BY, as there was no name on it...

Another one of my favourite gift, Salt & Pepper set, from Service Team colleague, S and MS & YY from another division. It's gonna appear in my new house! Weet!

Very cute clock with alarm from ex-colleague, TT.

Chocolates from ex-colleague, C.

Very pretty coaster from MO colleague, W.

Small cloth container from ex-colleague, C.

Pack of chocolates & candies from Service Team colleague, SY.

Another one of my favourite gifts - aromatherapy set from one of my closest ex-colleague, C aka mimi. So sweet of her! I wonder if the aromatherapy set can wait till I move into my new place. Ahh! I like such stuff so much!

Precious Moments Photo Albums from 2 new colleagues who recently joined us known as the JJ team!
Apart from these, I also had a 2010 organizer from Prints, given to me by another closest ex-colleague, HS. I also had a box of Ferrero Rocher from my neighbour as well as a pink handphone holder from QQ, Loccitane solid parfume from JY and a set of Mickey Mouse pink towels from PP. I hope I havent left out any... haha.
Anyway, all these were done within 1+hours and my dearies started to arrive at my place. It was our once in a year Wii & steamboat session!

Steamboat & Cereal Prawns - our annual menu!

Nervous, exciting and hilarious Wii gaming session!

Yummy log cake!
Photo taking time:

*love is in the air*

Here's wishing us many, many more fun Christmas together!

Cute JY with PP who definitely wants to be captured in this shot!

Cheers to Christmas 2009 and a Happy 2010!

Cake cutting time!

Yeah! *loves*

Almost at 12 midnight of Boxing day, we passed each other the pressies we have prepared! This is JY who is so happy with the gifts she has received. For memory sake, I gave them a FotoCalendar each with our photos! Hopefully they will use it and we are constantly reminded of the 10 odd years of friendship we shared together! *muacks*
Looking forward to our next Christmas! Wondering if it's possible to hold it at my new place? Prays hard that my new place will be ready soon! I simply can't wait!